Shorter Teen Height Preset

Update: 1.1 - Physical Frame Fixes.

Welcome to my first mod I have released for the sims.

I have always disliked the fact the in the Sims 4 teens where the exact same height as adults, having played the past sims games this always felt wrong to me personally.

**This is NOT a preteen mod, this is a shorter teen mod. My preteen is a WIP (work in progress) still and not released.

So I have created a shorter teen preset that you apply in the Forehead or Ear Preset slots, this lets you apply my edits over your chosen body shapes. Its a simply and easy way to make a shorter teen but keeping your sim’s body shape intact.

The preset makes teens shorter, gives them a more rounded face and makes their eyes slightly bigger. Girls have two preset options, one with a smaller bust and one without the bust edit.

I HIGHLY recommend the Forehead preset, because if you use a hat that covers your sims ears the preset is removed.

**This mod does NOT edit teens automatically, you will need to apply the presets yourself. This also allows you to have both younger and older teens in your game. **

  • To use the preset simply click on your sims forehead or ears and select a preset.
  • To remove the preset just pick a new forehead or ear preset.

Most animations work perfectly with this preset, I would say about 90% of them have no issues. The only problem ones I have seen so far is one group picture from moschino stuff pack, a sims hand might not touch a shoulder if taken with a taller sim. Plus floating on your back in water, your sim will be alittle farther underwater but their face is sill above the water.

To uninstall:

  • If you do not plan on ever using the preset again simply delete the mod, all teens will go back to normal.
  • If you DO want to use the mod later on, make sure to pick a new forehead or ear preset for all the teens you edited. Then delete mod.
  • If your teen’s portrait does not go back to normal simply delete the localthumbcache.package.






Terms of Use:

Please do not upload these Presets to any other site, or use a paywall of any kind when linking to it.

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*Preteen preset is a WIP (work in progress).

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